The Season of Gratitude
The holiday season is a special time of year filled with family, friendship, laughter, and fun. It is also a great opportunity to think about and share what we are truly grateful for this year. The act of sharing what we are grateful for can be very impactful on our children and an important practice for them to learn. Thanksgiving can be the perfect time for families to start a new holiday tradition focused on the importance of being grateful. Read more about the Season of Gratitude
Gratitude Activities for Families
Gratitude is an important life skill to practice with our children especially during challenging times. At Roughing It we practice this with our campers of all ages with a variety of activities. Campers practice reflecting on the things and people they are appreciate of and sharing them amongst their peers. With the holiday season upon us there can be more opportunities to get creative in helping children practice gratitude. See our Gratitude Activities for Families for a few of our favorite camp activities such as the Thanksgiving Tree or Penny’s GLAD Activity for Gratitude!

Holiday Activities, Crafts, Recipes, and Fun!
The holiday season is not a time for gratitude but also to spend quality time with friends and family. You can spend time outdoors at the beautiful Lafayette Reservoir with its various hikes and outdoor activities. Read more about Fall Hikes for Families!
You can also have fun trying out new holiday recipes or holiday crafts projects that anybody can do! Read more about some of our favorite activities, crafts, and delicious recipes on Camper Caboodle! The password is the famous Roughing It camp fish at the Lafayette Reservoir – or email us to get it!
Tasty Recipe: Dutch Oven Apple Crisp
Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and loved ones! We hope you have fun and make some amazing memories with these holiday activities we have shared here.
Please share any of your family holiday activities that you and your family love to do around the holiday season!