Adventures from Libby: Substitute Teaching

Thanks to Libby for sharing this awesome story about how she has gotten to use Roughing It’s teachings while subbing:

As a substitute teacher, I get the excitement of answering to all kinds of jobs kindergarten through high school. One morning was particularly exciting as I was leading: elementary P.E.! 
It was Parent Teacher Conference Week in San Ramon, so they created extra P.E. periods in order to give teachers more time for conferences. So, when I reported for duty, I found out I had two classes (about 45 students) ranging from 1st through 5th grade every P.E. period and no lesson plans.  Prior to Roughing It, this may have phased me.
Every class warmed up with some stretches (following me in counting every other number- courtesy of Coach M.), jumping jacks and then camp games galore! In a very limited amount of time, my morning consisted of playing Man From Mars (to match the first graders’ energy), Evolution (to limit the amount of physical contact between second and fifth graders), Hook Tag, Banana Tag, and many attention-getters. While waiting for teachers to collect their classes, we filled up the time with some As We Go activities like 20 questions and never have I ever used so many Bob Ditterisms. Who knew I’d use the Roughing It Gold Card outside of camp?

Thanks Roughing It!

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