10 Tips for Your Child’s first Day of Camp

  1. Freeze your water – Freeze a large water bottle over night so it slowly cools throughout the day. Your camper will really appreciate having cool water during the hotter parts of the day.  
  2. describe the imageWear proper attireClosed toed shoes are essential for a fun, safe day at camp. Layers are encouraged, that way kids can keep warm during the morning chill and easily take of sweatshirts for during the warmer afternoons.
  3. Wear a hat – Help keep the sun out of your face and protect your skin by wearing a hat to camp everyday.
  4. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! – Camp counselors usually take multiple sunscreen breaks throughout the day to give campers a chance to reapply sunscreen. It would be helpful to remind your child the importance of protecting his skin so they are encouraged to apply multiple times a day!ten tips    ashley's group
  5. Don’t bring valuable items to camp
    Kids often want to show or share their new toys or gadgets to their friends at camp, but its better to be safe than sorry and leave these items at home. Besides, they’ll be so busy meeting new people and trying new activities, their toys will probably remain forgotten in their backpacks anyway.
  6. Pack a healthy lunch! – Healthy power food will help keep kids’ energy going throughout the day. Foods high in sugar often result in a small sugar crash later on in the day and detract from the camp experience. Examples of healthy snacks to pack:Granola Bars, Bagels, Carrot or Cucumbers with hummus, melon, grape or apple slices, yogurt, crackers.
  7. Attend an Open House/Sample Camp– taking your child to a sample day of camp or open house before camp is in session will provide an opportunity for your new camper to get to know the area, environment, counselors, and maybe even a few of their fellow campers. A sample day allows kids to become familiar with a new environment, with borrowed confidence from knowing their parents are just a few feet away.describe the image
  8. Label your child’s personal items – It’s not uncommon for kids to leave behind sweaters, water bottles, and hats at different program areas of camp. Ensure their safe return by labeling all your child’s things.
  9. Make sure to get plenty of sleep – It’s important your camper gets plenty of rest before and after a full day of camp. Follow the chart for the recommended hours of sleep for your child:
    Age Recommended Hours of Sleep
    3-5 11 to 13 hours 
    5-10 10 to 11 hours
    10-17 8.5 to 9.5 hours
  10. Last but certainly not least, some healthy encouragement before camp starts is great to prep kids for their camp experience. Often kids may be nervous about meeting new people or entering a new environment; this might keep them from trying new things that are unfamiliar to them. Encourage your child to try new things, follow the rules to remain safe, and listen to his or her counselor. Maybe even sharing a few of your camp stories will help your new camper feel more enthused about camp.