Splash into Summer – Water Safety Skills & New Swim Video

Red Cross Swim  poolLearning to Swim is a highlight of the summer for most kids and an essential skill to aquire. Having a child who is water safe is also the primary concern for many parents during the summer months. Enrolling children in formal group lessons is the best way to gain these water safety skills; but the benefits of age-appropriate swim lessons are not limited to just learning how to swim. Enjoying social interaction, making new friends, fitness development, self confidence and a sense of accomplishment are just a few of the achievements children get from formal swim lessons.

Red Cross Swim  Izzy kickboardsParents often have a number of concerns relating to the right age at which to begin swimming lessons; the safety aspect of lessons for non-swimmers, beginners, and the the structure of swim lessons are also frequen concerns. In an article posted by the American Red Cross, they research the optimal age at which to begin swim lessons and offer three contrasting perspectives. The maturation perspective, supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, suggests a child’s ability to swim is directly related to their age and maturity level. They conclude that 4 is a good age at which to start lessons. A contrasting theory, the learning perspective supported by many swimming agencies, explains that a child’s ability to swim is a result of having more experiences in the pool from a very young age. Finally, the dynamic systems theory suggests a child’s ability to swim is attributed to both his developmental, chronological age, experiences, and the personality of the specific child–a mixture of all factors. The American Red Cross concludes that the most progress is made in children who learn to swim between 4-6 years of age. 

At every age and swim level, adult supervision, safety and structure are key to a safe and succesful swimming experiences.

Red Cross Swim  Emily KickboardsMany camps use structured swimming programs,the Roughing It swim program uses The American Red Cross guidelines.They provide information and guidelines for the type of instruction that ought to be given to children in different age groups. For children around 4 or 5 years old, lessons focus on fundamental skills, becoming comfortable in the water, and staying safe inside and outside water. Around age 6, the Red Cross guidelines are geared towards learning more advanced skills such as stroke development and improvement, and encourage children to advance through all 6 levels at their own pace.

No matter a child’s swim level, water safety skills are always included. These skills range from walking carefully when near a pool, to simple ways of helping others who may be struggling in the water. 

In order to become fully water safe, swim lessons with a qualified and certified instructor are vital. Swimming is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the summer for kids; when children have strong swimming skills and are well aware of water safety rules, then a day at the pool can be relaxing for parents as well.

To learn more about Roughing It’s Swim Program, see our new swim video:

Special Thanks to Nina Resnikoff & Steven Kallick (camp parents of Jake) for creating this video.

The Roughing It Swim Program is designed for all ages and abilities. Lessons are available for beginner to advanced swimmers, with Learn to Swim program for non swimmers and Specialty Skill Clinics for teens. Learn more about our Swim Program &  the American Red Cross skill levels.