
Nature Activities & Exploration

Environment is an activity area designed to help campers appreciate the great outdoors by exploring the Lafayette Reservoir site and the natural wonders found within. Trails, water, trees, and animals make the reservoir a perfect place to learn about the environment. The Environment counselor leads groups in a variety of activities to heighten awareness and appreciation of the environment. Campers use their sense of smell, touch, sight, and hearing to identify various species and ecosystems.

Nature activities include:

  • Bug hunts
  • Animal Tracking
  • Flora & Fauna Education & Identification
  • Bird watching
  • Nature hikes

Bird Identification Achievement Levels

Campers get these awards after successfully identifying a number of different species of birds found around the Lafayette Reservoir. Each level contains 6 species and every camper has the opportunity to receive these awards via our Environment Counselor.

Roughing It is the perfect place to learn all about amazing wildlife as there is so much to be found right at the Lafayette Reservoir.


Bird ID levels to Achieve

Level 1 — Beginner Bird Watcher
Find & ID 6 different species of birds at Res

Level 2 – Intermediate Bird Watcher
Find & ID 12 different species of birds at Res

Level 3 — Advanced Bird Watcher
Find & ID 18 different species of birds at Res

Level 4—Ultimate Birder
This last award is achieved by being a very invested bird watcher and identifying 24 different species of birds at the Res. 

Coming 2024: Bird Identification Level 5!